Oral/Poster Presentation
Share your research work with stalwarts while you attend a conference
Call for Papers
Presentation options are limited to academic conferences where we invite papers for oral/poster presentation. The option is available both for young faculty and research scholars.
General Submission Guidelines
Abstracts for oral and poster presentation should be submitted online from the respective conference abstract submission page. The abstract should be 150-200 words and should be submitted without graphs and images. All fields should be completed before submission.
The work proposed to be presented should be original and should not have been published elsewhere. Literature of review or article based on review will not be accepted for presentation.
The abstracts shall be peer reviewed and the its suitability shall be communicated to the corresponding author within the time frame provided on the respective conference page.
For presentation, at least one of the authors should be registered for the conference. A registered delegate is permitted to present one paper only. The paper(s) received without the registration fee will not be included in the conference scientific programme.
General Presentation Guidelines
Instructions for Oral Presentations
The oral presentation will be by Power point presentations. The power point presentation should be made by the presenting author only and must be relevant to the approved abstract. Presentation font size should be preferably kept at 32 for better visibility. The presenter should present original research work.
Time duration for each presentation will be between 5-10 minutes, followed by Q/A or discussions. For exact presentation time, please check the respective conference page.
Instructions for Poster Presentation
Approximate Poster Size- 80 cm (width)*120 cm (length) or 2 feet by 3 feet, portrait.
A poster should be prepared in such a way that the delegates are able to quickly read and grasp the idea. Hence, these should be visually appealing and legible. Use large fonts and thick lines, and include diagrams, tables and figures. The contents should be easily readable from at least a distance of one meter, so that more people can read your poster at once.
The presenting author must be available during the poster evaluation. E-posters are not acceptable
Best Presentation Awards
Oral Presentation Award
Best oral paper presented by a Pre-Doctoral Research Scholar is awarded Best Oral Presentation Award comprising of memento, certificate and cash prize, if applicable.
Poster Presentation Award
Best poster presented by a Pre-Doctoral Research Scholar is awarded Best Poster Presentation Award comprising of memento, certificate and cash prize, if applicable.
Our Conference Segments
Present While You Attend

- Formulation Development
- Drug Discovery Chemistry
- Clinical Trials & Pharmacovigilance
- Pharma Quality & Analysis

Biotechnology Research
- Genomics - Human/Animal
- Proteome Analysis (Proteomics)
- Gene Sequencing & Editing
- Bioinformatics & Bio-IT

- Molecular Pathology
- Diagnostics & Devices
- Clinical NGS
- Cancer Research & Therapies

- Agriculture & Agrigenomics
- Food & Beverage Analysis
- Forensics Sciences & Analysis
- Environmental Analysis

- Chemical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Sciences
- Electronics Engineering

Specialized Fields
- Flow Chemistry
- Microfluidics & Lab-on-a-Chip
- Biologicals & Immunologicals
- Biomarkers & Biosensors